10 Montpellier Court Dublin 24

Price : €135,000.00 (Region)
1 Bedroom
1 Bathroom


This one-bedroomed ground floor apartment is an ideal buy for people in lots of different situations. Downsizing? Student accommodation needed in Dublin for the next few years? Commuting from outside Dublin weekly to work in a local business, or maybe in nearby Tallaght hospital? First step on the property ladder? The cost of a mortgage on this home is currently lower than the cost to rent similar so for someone who has funds or can access finance, this could be a very smart buy.

But what about the property itself? Wooden floors run through the living room and bedroom, complemented by terracotta tiles in the kitchen. The neutral palette maximizes the feeling of space. Fittings are good quality – kitchen, built in wardrobe in the bedroom and a full bath with shower over. It’s a decent size for a one-bedroomed apartment, but without a doubt the Pinterest and Houzz apps will be your friend if this is to be your future home – there are loads of fantastic creative solutions that can help you get the best from the space available.


A modern front door leads into a small hall and through to the living room. Kitchen is off the living room. Bedroom and bathroom are across the rear of the property.


There is on-road parking to the front, and a secure car park to the rear. A Centra and some other small shops are literally just around the corner. Montpelier is about half-way between The Square Shopping Centre and the City West Shopping Centre, giving you lots of shopping and restaurant choices.
The Luas stops at both locations and there is a good selection of buses serving the wider area.


The affordable price is just one reason this property is a winner.


Electric central heating

Double glazed

Service Charge: €950 p.a.

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01 490 2888

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