This one-bedroom, 2nd floor apartment would be an ideal buy for people in lots of different situations. Downsizing; student accommodation; working locally, maybe in nearby Tallaght hospital; first step on the property ladder. The cost of a mortgage on this home is currently a lot lower than the cost to rent a similar property, so for someone who has funds or can access finance, this could be a very smart buy.
A central hallway gives access to the bedroom, bathroom and a sitting room with kitchen off. Most of the décor is definitely on the bland side, there’s an infusion of personality needed to make the most of the interior. The rooms are a good size and views from the large balcony doors are of the treed area outside the building.
There is off road parking to the front. This development is just off the N81 Blessington Road, and is 10 minutes by car to either City West, with convenient shopping, or Tallaght which is a well-developed community hub with a great library, theatre, shops, cinemas, restaurants and much more. There are plentiful bus services as well as the nearby Luas line.
Good value and a convenient location make this one worth a look.
Double Glazed
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