4 Muckross Drive, Perrystown Dublin 12

Price : €575,000.00 (Region)
5 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


This house has a number of interesting features. Firstly, it is in Perrystown – a relatively small enclave that has, in recent times, emerged as a very attractive location for property hunters. Secondly, it is, as far as we can recall, the first time in over 30 years that we have been asked to market a house that includes a chapel. As you will discern from the photographs, this house has recently been home to a number of retired members of a religious order, now moving on to other accommodation. The décor and some fittings might need to be updated and modernised, but the fabric of the house, and the space available, are both key selling points.   



The ground floor is currently laid out as two sitting rooms, large kitchen dining room and the chapel, which is located on the ground floor of a two story extension at the side. The extension, to side and rear, has significantly increased both the ground and first floor footprint so rooms are generous. There is a downstairs WC and ample storage cupboards on the ground floor.

Upstairs there are 5 bedrooms, a study, and two bathrooms. Again, due to the extension, the rooms are a good size.

Décor is dated, but the condition of the property overall is excellent and there would be nothing to  stop a new owner from updating incrementally while living there.


The rear garden is in need of some attention, but is a decent size and most importantly faces South West. There is off-street parking to the front. 

Muckross Drive is a 10 minute spin to Terenure, with good bus services available. The shopping centres of Rathfarnham and Ashleaf are in easy reach and there are many parks, sports clubs and other facilities in the area. The web of public transport options in and around this area means many destinations such as universities, hospitals and industrial and business districts are accessible using the new ‘90 minute ticket’.


This property has the potential to be a fantastic home for a large or extended family, but could, with some investment, work equally well as an investment opportunity. 


Private rear garden with a southerly aspect

Off street parking

Gas fired central heating

PVC double glazed

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01 490 2888

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