4 Templeroan Drive, Knocklyon Dublin 16

Price : €629,000.00 (Region)
4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms


There’s another area called Templeroan in Fermoy, the history of the Fermoy name says it relates to a church (Teampall in Irish). We suspect, however, that in this case, an enterprising builder combined Templeogue and Ballyroan to come up with the name. The Templeroan development was constructed on farmlands formerly belonging to the Mercy Order at Sancta Maria College. At a time when housing developments were creeping ever nearer to the Dublin Mountains, the development of this land meant new homes could be constructed alongside older more settled developments with access to established transport and other facilities.


This is a proper four-bedroomed family home. The layout is the traditional Sitting-room, Dining-room, Kitchen shape, with an obvious option to open out the space somewhat by removing a wall, or even to extend to the rear. Rooms are generously sized and there is a downstairs WC. Upstairs the landing avoids that ‘corridor’ impression that so many houses suffer from. There are four bedrooms, with the master ensuite and built-in wardrobes in three of the four. Overall, there’s a décor update needed, but the home is in good condition throughout so that’s something that can be tackled slowly if you can wait. Think of it as a project – Pinterest and Houzz will be your new best friends; the folk in the Paint shop will know your first name.


There is a garage running the full length of the house to the side, with access through to the back garden. Garages are increasingly rare in new-builds because they reduce the number of houses that can be fitted on a plot, and this one is a particularly generous size. The rear garden is well looked after and private, there is parking off-street at the front. There is an entrance to Sancta Maria College right around the corner, close enough that bed-to-desk could probably be achieved in under 15 minutes, 10 at a run. The area wider is very mature with schools, shops, sports-clubs, parks and many other facilities available nearby.


We’re thinking that this would be an ideal trade-up for a family moving from a smaller house in the general area, keeping all the convenience of established schools, clubs and friendships, with additional space to grow.


Garage to side

Back garden faces South West

PVC double glazed

Oil fired central heating

Main bedroom with en-suite bathroom

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