This three-bedroom home has a really happy vibe, with pops of colour everywhere and evidence of lots of playtime. Of course, the new owner might decide to head for a minimalist look with stripped back everything, or follow the current trend of statement florals and lots of pattern. The good news is that the house is in great condition and bringing a personal style to bear on it will be the only real time investment needed.
The hallway leads to the well fitted kitchen, a good sized living room, and a guest WC. The conservatory, off the living room, is a lovely feature. We have seen these spaces do duty as dining rooms or play rooms, both equally effective. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a family sized bathroom.
There is off-road parking for one car to the front.
We’ve been on a steady diet of ‘room outdoors’ décor features online and in magazine – the rear garden of this home definitely has potential to deliver on that trend. Once upon a time, we would have been at pains to point out how close this home is to Terenure, with all the restaurants and supermarkets available there. However, Harold’s Cross, which is nearer, has ‘pivoted’ from being slightly old-world and just a little rundown to become the absolute latest go-to urban village. Gourmet coffee, artisan bakeries, great lunch places, restaurants with Michelin Bib ratings all in walking distance, and a lovely park with playground that has maintained its ‘neighbourhood’ feel through the generations. In the other direction, there are useful retail spots (hardware, convenience store etc.) as well as a large SuperValu in the small Sundrive shopping centre. There are good transport links to the city (which is actually quite walkable if you’re feeling energetic)
This is a super home in a great location, a solid five stars from us!
Double Glazed
Gas Fired Central Heating
Large rear garden with a southerly aspect
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